Chest is about 20 meters to south next to burned house. Take the key and the letter from the body near to fence. See insights on Signpost including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft. Make sure to agree to help Keira in finding the magic lamp, because otherwise you won't be able to explore the final rooms of the ruins.ĭefeat Grave Hag (lvl 28). Signpost has 144 employees across 4 locations, 88.65 m in total funding, and 8.9 M in annual revenue in Y 2015. You can visit this place while completing Keira's side quest - "Magic lamp". It is entrance/exit to temple which you visit during "Wandering in the Dark" main quest. In the chest on the hill you will find "Diagram: Ursine Silver Sword - mastercrafted". This place is connected with "The mystery of Byways murders" quest, which you can get in Oreton (M4,7).ĭefeat several drowners (lvl 4). You need to search the map and start a new game before you can find the treasure, which is found at. Above the entrance you will find chest with several valuable items. This weeks treasure map challenge begins with finding the map in the middle of Junk Junction. It is the same time when you destroy two marked on the map monster nests. Walk up to the signpost and use it to open the world map and select the. You visit this cave doing "Wandering in the dark" main quest with Keira Metz. Ironsides Treasure (Quest) Loot the Notes about treasure form the skeleton. You will find there chest with good armor. This place is guarded by several drowners (lvl 4.) In the wall around the shrine is entrance to small room. You can get it from Keira Metz, who is near to Midcopse (M4,1). "A Towerful of Mice" quest is happening in this place. In the chest you will find Deithwen sword. The treasure is quite deep and is guarded by 3 drowners (lvl 10).

Fortnite WEEK 2 CHALLENGES GUIDE FILM CAMERA Locations, Treasure map (Battle Royale Season 4) Best Video en. Fortnite WEEK 9 CHALLENGES GUIDE STONE HEADS Locations, Treasure MAP (Battle Royale Season 5) Trend Video. "Sunken chest" quest will automatically begin. Follow the treasure map signpost in Junk Junction ( Fortnite Seasn 8 Week 10 ) Kyngyosheetv.

Take the letter from the body of dead adventurer, and then read it. You will then pass a place marked with spikes on the map. The chest with reasure is behind two barrels, which you have to destroy by using Aard sign.ĭefeat 5 drowners (lvl 4). To find this treasure, start at Dent & Sons Construction in the very south of the area and then head northeast. Go up the stairs and defeat moonwraith (lvl 15). Quest "Don't play with gods" will start automatically. Take the letter and the key from the body near the stairs. If you land at the orange plaza in the centre of the area, the signpost is on the other. You will gain very good steel sword (Ultimatum) and other things.ĭefeat about 5 wraiths (lvl 13). The Paradise Palms treasure map signpost is pretty much slap bang in the middle of the desert named area. Defeat another two deserters and take a treasure from the chest. A quest "The dead have no defence" will start automatically.